Privacy policy

This pri­va­cy pol­i­cy informs you about the data pro­cess­ing when you vis­it this web­site, per­form actions sug­gest­ed on the web­site, such as sub­scrib­ing to the newslet­ter, fill­ing out the con­tact form, or using our ser­vices.

We reserve the right to update this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy from time to time to reflect actu­al and legal cir­cum­stances. Please review the pri­va­cy pol­i­cy reg­u­lar­ly.

The pro­cess­ing of your data is sub­ject to Swiss law and, in cer­tain areas, the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR) of the Euro­pean Union.

1. Definitions

The ter­mi­nolo­gies dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed in Swiss data pro­tec­tion law and the GDPR (e.g., per­son­al
data; pro­cess­ing) are used uni­form­ly in this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy. They should
be under­stood accord­ing to the rel­e­vant legal reg­u­la­tions.

The term “data” in this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy is used inter­change­ably with “per­son­al data”.

2. Contact Information

Respon­si­ble for the data pro­cess­ing described in this pri­va­cy pol­i­cy is

Schützen­strasse 10
CH-3052 Zol­likofen


3. Data Protection Officer

Accord­ing to applic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion laws, you can con­tact the fol­low­ing address for ques­tions regard­ing your per­son­al data and its pro­tec­tion:

4. Legal Basics of Data Processing

The pro­cess­ing of your data is car­ried out in com­pli­ance with Swiss data pro­tec­tion law and, in cer­tain areas, the GDPR.

If we process data based on con­sent, we will inform you sep­a­rate­ly, spec­i­fy­ing the pur­pos­es. Con­sents can be revoked at any time with future effect. You can revoke your con­sent either direct­ly via the web­site or by con­tact­ing us in writ­ing. The con­tact infor­ma­tion can be found in sec­tion 3.

Where the GDPR applies, we process your data based on the legal grounds of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR (con­sent), Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR (per­for­mance of a con­tract), Art. 6(1)© GDPR (legal oblig­a­tion), or Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR (legit­i­mate inter­ests).

5. Data Processing

When you vis­it our web­site, we may col­lect data about you that has been cap­tured online or offline (such as IP address or cook­ies).

When you con­tact us, for exam­ple, by fill­ing out our con­tact form, sub­scrib­ing to our newslet­ter or con­tact­ing us by email or phone, we col­lect the data you pro­vide and the meta­da­ta of the com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

We col­lect and use data about your behav­ior and pref­er­ences to bet­ter tai­lor our ser­vices to you. We also process data nec­es­sary for col­lab­o­ra­tion with ELVADATA AG.

Final­ly, we receive data from pub­licly acces­si­ble sources, author­i­ties or oth­er third par­ties (e.g., social media, inter­net ana­lyt­ics ser­vices), as far as legal­ly per­mis­si­ble.

6. Purposes of Data Processing

We process your data for the fol­low­ing pur­pos­es:

    • Pro­vid­ing the web­site
    • Con­tract exe­cu­tion
    • Rela­tion­ship man­age­ment: Gen­er­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion with prospects, cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers and part­ners
    • Mar­ket­ing and sales activ­i­ties such as ref­er­ence reports, cam­paigns, sur­veys, etc.
    • Analy­sis, fur­ther devel­op­ment, and opti­miza­tion of our busi­ness process­es, offer­ings and web­site
    • Man­age­ment of tech­ni­cal func­tions such as cap­tur­ing per­son­al login or con­tact data, etc.
    • Secu­ri­ty man­age­ment such as fraud detec­tion, cyber­at­tacks, etc.
    • Inter­nal audits and finan­cial, account­ing, archiv­ing and insur­ance pur­pos­es
    • Com­pli­ance with legal or reg­u­la­to­ry require­ments

7. Disclosure of Data to Third Parties

ELVADATA AG may engage third par­ties domes­ti­cal­ly and abroad to pro­vide ser­vices and/or dis­close data to third par­ties.

    • Sup­pli­ers, pay­ment, and ser­vice providers who per­form busi­ness tasks on behalf of ELVADATA AG (e.g., ser­vices in the areas of cred­it card pro­cess­ing, order pro­cess­ing, analy­sis, event/campaign man­age­ment, web­site man­age­ment, data tech­nol­o­gy and infra­struc­ture pro­vi­sion, cus­tomer ser­vice, email pro­vi­sion, audits, etc.)
    • Part­ners of ELVADATA AG involved in our ser­vice deliv­ery or offer­ing com­ple­men­tary prod­ucts or ser­vices
    • Rel­e­vant third par­ties in the event of a restruc­tur­ing, merg­er, sale, joint ven­ture, assign­ment, trans­fer or oth­er dis­po­si­tion of all or any part of ELVADATA AG or our assets (includ­ing in con­nec­tion with bank­rupt­cy or sim­i­lar pro­ceed­ings)
    • We may be legal­ly required to dis­close infor­ma­tion, for exam­ple, in response to a gov­ern­men­tal request or to com­ply with legal process­es. This is done in good faith to pro­tect our rights, your safe­ty, or the safe­ty of oth­ers and to pre­vent fraud. Such dis­clo­sures may also be nec­es­sary for nation­al secu­ri­ty or law enforce­ment pur­pos­es.
    • Addi­tion­al­ly, we trans­mit data to the providers of men­tioned tools and to author­i­ties if we have a legal oblig­a­tion to do so.

8. Data Transfer Abroad

In con­nec­tion with data trans­fer to third par­ties, your data may be processed not only in Switzer­land. If the legal data pro­tec­tion in the respec­tive recip­i­ent coun­try does not cor­re­spond to the data pro­tec­tion lev­el of Switzer­land, we ensure through appro­pri­ate mea­sures that a trans­fer is per­mis­si­ble, e.g., by con­clud­ing the Euro­pean Union’s stan­dard con­trac­tu­al claus­es or by anoth­er legal­ly pro­vid­ed pos­si­bil­i­ty, e.g., by ful­fill­ing a con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tion for you or obtain­ing your con­sent.

9. Data Retention

Data is gen­er­al­ly delet­ed once the pur­pose is full­filled and no legal reten­tion oblig­a­tions exist.

10. Data Security

We have tak­en tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tion­al mea­sures that are reg­u­lar­ly reviewed and adapt­ed to tech­no­log­i­cal progress to pro­tect your data from loss, access, mis­use or alter­ation.

11. Your Rights

As a data sub­ject, you have the fol­low­ing rights in con­nec­tion with the data pro­cess­ing rel­e­vant to data pro­tec­tion:

  • Right to Infor­ma­tion: You have the right to know what data we store about you and how we process it.
  • Right to Rec­ti­fi­ca­tion: You have the right to cor­rect your data.
  • Right to Dele­tion or Restric­tion: You have the right to delete or restrict your data.
  • Right to Object: You have the right to object to data pro­cess­ing.
  • Right to Data Porta­bil­i­ty: You have the right to request the release of cer­tain data in a com­mon for­mat or its trans­fer to anoth­er con­troller.
  • Right to Lodge a Com­plaint: You have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty.

The con­tact infor­ma­tion of the Fed­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion and Infor­ma­tion Com­mis­sion­er can be found here:

12. Analysis and Tracking Technologies

For usage opti­miza­tion and offer improve­ment, we use analy­sis tools from third-par­ty providers.

12.1 GoogleAd Conversion Tracking and Google Remarketing

To sta­tis­ti­cal­ly record the use of our web­sites and to eval­u­ate them for the pur­pose of opti­miz­ing our web­sites for you, we use Google Con­ver­sion Track­ing. A cook­ie is set on your com­put­er by Goog­leAds if you have reached our web­site via a Google ad. These cook­ies expire after 30 days and are not used for per­son­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. If the user vis­its cer­tain pages of the Goog­leAds customer’s web­site and the cook­ie has not yet expired, Google and the cus­tomer can rec­og­nize that the user clicked on the ad and was redi­rect­ed to this page. Each Goog­leAd cus­tomer receives a dif­fer­ent cook­ie. Cook­ies can­not there­fore be tracked across the web­sites of Goog­leAd cus­tomers.

The infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed using the con­ver­sion cook­ie is used to cre­ate con­ver­sion sta­tis­tics for Goog­leAd cus­tomers who have opt­ed for con­ver­sion track­ing. Goog­leAd cus­tomers learn the total num­ber of users who clicked on their ad and were redi­rect­ed to a page tagged with a con­ver­sion track­ing tag. How­ev­er, they do not receive any infor­ma­tion that can per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fy users. If you do not wish to par­tic­i­pate in the track­ing process, you can also refuse the set­ting of a cook­ie required for this – for exam­ple, via a brows­er set­ting that gen­er­al­ly dis­ables the auto­mat­ic set­ting of cook­ies.

As part of Google Remar­ket­ing, your surf­ing behav­ior is col­lect­ed anony­mous­ly using cook­ies for mar­ket­ing pur­pos­es and used to tai­lor adver­tis­ing offers to your inter­ests. In no case are per­son­al data col­lect­ed or stored by these tech­nolo­gies that would allow con­clu­sions to be drawn about your iden­ti­ty.

12.2 Google Places API

To facil­i­tate loca­tion-based search­es for our cus­tomers and to auto­mat­i­cal­ly com­plete address data, we use the Google Places API. The data col­lect­ed through a search sup­port­ed by the Google Places API is sub­ject to Google’s terms of use. Google process­es data about the use of Places by the user.

More infor­ma­tion can be found here:


12.3 Google Marketing Platform

We use the Google Mar­ket­ing Plat­form on our web­sites to eval­u­ate web­site usage and to enable us, Google, and oth­er adver­tis­ers col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Google Mar­ket­ing Plat­form to present you with user-rel­e­vant adver­tis­ing. For this pur­pose, a cook­ie is installed on your computer’s hard dri­ve. This cook­ie assigns a pseu­do­ny­mous iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber (ID) to your brows­er and col­lects infor­ma­tion about the adver­tise­ments dis­played in your brows­er and their retrieval. The infor­ma­tion col­lect­ed by the cook­ie about your use of web­sites is gen­er­al­ly trans­mit­ted to a Google serv­er in the USA and stored there. Based on the col­lect­ed infor­ma­tion, inter­est-rel­e­vant cat­e­gories are assigned to your brows­er. These cat­e­gories are used to dis­play inter­est-based adver­tis­ing. In addi­tion to chang­ing your brows­er set­tings, you can also per­ma­nent­ly dis­able the Google Mar­ket­ing Plat­form cook­ie using a brows­er plug-in.

12.4 Google Analytics, Google Firebase and DashThis

We use Google Ana­lyt­ics, and poten­tial­ly Google Fire­base (ana­lyt­ics ser­vices from Google Inc. “Google”), as well as DashThis from Moment Zero to ana­lyze user behav­ior on our web­sites and apps. Ana­lyz­ing the usage of our offer­ings allows us to bet­ter tai­lor our ser­vices to cus­tomer needs. Usage data is not linked to per­son­al data. Google and Moment Zero may trans­fer anonymized usage infor­ma­tion to third par­ties, pro­vid­ed this is legal­ly required or if third par­ties process this data on behalf of Google and/or Moment Zero. Google will not asso­ciate your IP address with any oth­er data held by Google. Google Ana­lyt­ics and DashThis from Moment Zero use cook­ies to ana­lyze web­sites. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ies can be used by Google and Moment Zero to eval­u­ate your use of the web­site. You can pre­vent the instal­la­tion of cook­ies by adjust­ing your brows­er soft­ware set­tings; how­ev­er, please note that in this case, you may not be able to ful­ly use all func­tions of all web­sites and apps. Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about the pri­va­cy poli­cies: Google Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, DashThis Terms, Fire­base Pri­va­cy Sup­port.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about the pri­va­cy pol­i­cy here:


For LinkedIn’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, please refer to: