Unlock the future of your business with our tailored IT services package

Imagine an IT infrastructure that not only meets your needs but propels your business forward

Elva­da­ta is com­mit­ted to improv­ing your oper­a­tional effi­cien­cy and ensur­ing the avail­abil­i­ty and secu­ri­ty of your sys­tems and appli­ca­tions, con­sid­er­ing itself as part of your team.

Our com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice pack­age includes mod­ern work­place, state-of-the-art cloud solu­tions and top-tier cyber­se­cu­ri­ty mea­sures, ensur­ing your oper­a­tions are secure, effi­cient and avail­able.

Your IT service package

Modern Workplace

Our Mod­ern Work­place offer­ing fos­ters seam­less col­lab­o­ra­tion among employ­ees, part­ners and cus­tomers, no mat­ter where they are.

With our all-encom­pass­ing cloud solu­tions, we can man­age your entire IT infra­struc­ture, pro­vid­ing you with a tru­ly wor­ry-free expe­ri­ence.


Our cyber secu­ri­ty solu­tion is designed to pro­tect your dig­i­tal assets from a wide range of threats. Its com­po­nents work togeth­er to ensure the con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, integri­ty and avail­abil­i­ty of your data, safe­guard­ing your busi­ness against ran­somware, phish­ing scams, data theft and oth­er cyber threats.

Customized Support

Through a cus­tomized sup­port ser­vice and an inci­dent man­age­ment process tai­lored to your needs, we resolve oper­a­tional dis­rup­tions as quick­ly and sus­tain­ably as pos­si­ble.

Microsoft partnership

Our col­lab­o­ra­tion with Microsoft empow­ers us to deliv­er inte­grat­ed solu­tions that dri­ve busi­ness growth and boost pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. By lever­ag­ing our deep exper­tise in Microsoft tech­nolo­gies, we help busi­ness­es max­i­mize their return on invest­ment and achieve their dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion goals. As a trust­ed Microsoft Part­ner, we uphold the high­est stan­dards of qual­i­ty and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. This part­ner­ship under­scores our com­mit­ment to deliv­er­ing suc­cess­ful tech­nol­o­gy imple­men­ta­tions tai­lored to the unique needs of our clients, ulti­mate­ly lead­ing to supe­ri­or busi­ness out­comes.

Ensure the continuity of your IT operations with the help of Elvadata’s experienced ITS team

Through a needs analy­sis, our ITS team will work with you to deter­mine which of our IT ser­vice pack­ages best suits you and your spe­cif­ic needs.

Contact our ITS experts via our contact form for an initial consultation.

“We appreciate the reliability, the trust and the exceptional standard of service.“

Bar­bara Zuber, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Elfe­nau­Park Bern